The Grant Writers

Supporting GreenGlobal Initiative in Securing $300,000 for Sustainable Urban Agriculture Projects.

GreenGlobal Initiative, an environmental nonprofit, faced challenges in obtaining funding for their urban agriculture projects. They partnered with us to develop a strong grant proposal, highlighting the sustainable impact of their programs. Through our specialized grant writing, we secured $300,000, enabling them to expand urban farming initiatives across their community.

About GreenGlobal Initiative

GreenGlobal Initiative, based in Portland, OR, focuses on sustainable urban agriculture and education, helping communities grow food locally while promoting environmental stewardship. Their mission is to reduce urban food deserts through community gardens and educational programs. GreenGlobal sought funding to expand its initiatives and engage more residents.


The Challenge

Despite impactful results, GreenGlobal faced challenges in convincing funders to support urban agriculture, which is often viewed as a niche cause. Limited funding threatened GreenGlobal’s ability to maintain its projects, reducing food access in underserved areas and impacting community health.

The Solution

We positioned GreenGlobal’s work as a solution for community resilience and environmental sustainability, crafting a proposal emphasizing long-term benefits and data-backed success stories.

Implementation Process: Steps Taken

  1.  Needs assessment to understand the community impact
  2. Strategic proposal development with community success metrics
  3. Rigorous review and customization for alignment with funder priorities

Challenges Encountered in the Process

To overcome funders’ concerns, we revised the proposal to better convey the economic and social benefits of urban agriculture. The project was completed in nine weeks, from proposal drafting to grant submission.

Results & Outcomes

Secured $300,000 in funding, allowing GreenGlobal to establish three new community gardens and increase food production by 35%.

The grant strengthened community ties, increased local engagement, and improved neighborhood well-being.

Client Testimonial

“Grant Writing Inc. captured our vision perfectly. This grant is a game-changer, allowing us to provide fresh produce to hundreds more residents. ” – James Brod, CEO of Green Global Initiative.

Looking to grow your environmental impact? Contact us to discuss how we can help secure funding for your sustainability initiatives.

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